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2024 Pedal for the Pantry -
Sunday, August 25th 2024
Bikes, Beers, and Besties! Register now, and join us for the 2024 Pedal for the Pantry - Presented
by F&G. With a new route, more stops and a lot of fun. See you on the trails.
The Urbandale Food Pantry has been working tirelessly to meet the needs of our community. We could
not meet this need without the steadfast dedication of our staff, volunteers, and you - our donors.
Consider donating to our annual campaign.
here to donate!
Reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of 2023 at the Urbandale Food Pantry, it's clear that our
mission to serve those in need has never been more critical. The past year shattered records in the
number of individuals seeking assistance, the families we served, and the volume of food rescued and
distributed. November alone marked a historic milestone, with over 2,100 families needing our
services – a stark reminder that many in our community face the daily struggle of putting food on
their tables. Amidst all the challenges that 2023 brought us, the Urbandale Food Pantry was able to
respond with resilience, compassion and dignity. That is, in part, thanks to our amazing staff and
our steadfast volunteers. In 2023, our volunteers logged a total of 14,344 hours of work. Equally
important, I think about and am continually humbled by the support of the community.